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Soybean is one of the most important oilseed crop of India. It is grown mainly in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra in Kharif season under rainfed conditions. Soybean has played a important role in lifting millions of marginal and resource poor farmers out of poverty.

Problems Faced By Farmers

Throught out its life cycle, Soybean crop has to surmount a lot of challenges before it can produce a good quality yield. A Soybean grower not only has to manage a broad number of Insects and diseases but is also required to field clean off all the weeds which competes with the main crop for resources.

Pests Or Diseases
Problem Description And JU Solutions


Weeds are one of the major biotic  constraint in obtaining a good yield. Weeds compete with the main crop for resources as well as provides hindrance in intercultural operations .  JU Agri Sciences offers a complete weed management solution for managing all the key weeds in Soybean. Some of the major weeds commonly found in Soybean field are Dactyloctnium aegyptium, Echinocloa spp., Eleusine indica, Digitaria sanguinalis, Commelina benghalensis, Euphorbia hirta, Digera arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Cyperus rotundus, Celosia argentea, Cyprus iria,, Parthenium hysterophorus,, Acalypha indica, Phyllanthus niruri, Trianthema portulacashurm and Caesulia auxillaris etc.

Plant Health

Soybean, being a crop grown under rainfed   conditions, is that much more vulnerable to abiotic stresses and  the need for precise nutrient management is especially important. The lack of nutrient or exposure to abiotic stress at critical crop growth stages like branching, flowering or pod filling may directly lead to unrecoverable yield loss. The plant health portfolio of JU ensures that Soybean crop is always effectively equipped to handle all the abiotic stress and remain healthy throughout the life cycle.

Girdle Beetle

Scientific Name: Oberea brevis
The main damage is caused by the larvae  of the insect. The attack of the insect initially begins in the last week of July to the first fortnight of August . The presence of 2 circular cuts on the branch or stem is a characteristic symptom. Larvae bore into the stem of soybean. The inside of the stem is eaten by the larvae, forming tunnels within the stem. The infected portion above the circular cut is unable to get any nutrition so it dries up

Stem Fly

Scientific Name: Melanagromyza sojae
Soybean Stem Fly is one of the major pests  of Soybean in India which causes significant damage in early crop stages . The adult lay eggs on the leaves. After hatching from the egg yellowish maggots bore the nearest vein of the leaf. The maggot then reach the stem through petiole and bore down the stem and feeds on its cortical layers

Semi Looper

Scientific Name: Chrysodeixis spp. 
Semi Looper is one of the major Soybean pest during the crop's vegetative stage when it feeds gregariously on crop foliage. The semi looper larva is green in colour with several thin light lines running  the length of the body. When crawling, it forms a characteristic loop or hump so is known as the semilooper. The full grown larva feeds on foliage, flowers and pods. In severe infestation, it defoliates the plant leaving behind only midribs

Tobacco Caterpillar

Scientific Name: Spodoptera litura
Larvae of this insect feed on leaf & scrapping the leaf  tissue. Older larvae disperse & feed continuously on leaf at night. They are usually hide in the soil during the day.  Female adult laying their eggs in the herd on the lower surface of leaves. The fully  developed caterpillars of this insect are dark brown in color.

Pod Borer

Scientific Name: Helicoverpa armigera 
Gram Pod Borer is one of the  most damaging pest of Soybean during reproductive phase. Any infestation during the reproductive directs impacts the final yield . The Gram Pod Borer produces its typical and  distinct damage symptoms in Soybean. The young larvae feeds on the chlorophyll of young leaves and skeletonize it. They feed voraciously on the foliage in early stage, may defoliate the plant and later they feed on flowers and pods

Soybean Rust

Causal Organism: Phakopsora pachyrhizi
Soybean Rust is the most serious disease of Soybean crop globally. In India also , the disease causes significant yield loss although the symptoms may not always be fully expressed. The rust is characterized by pustules, which  start as numerous yellow lesions followed  by the appearance of a  brown speck almost in the  centre  of  these yellow lesions  that soon  develop into light brown to dark pustules