About Us


Since the ancient times, India is renowned as the land of spices. Among all the spices grown in the country, Chilli occupies the pride of the place. India is the highest producer, consumer and exporter of Chilli in the world. Guntur in Andhra Pradesh is the biggest Chilli market in the entire world and functions as a commercial centre.

Problems Faced By Farmers

Being a warm weather crop, Chilli plays a host to a wide range of Insects and diseases which affects the crop right from nursery stage to harvesting. Apart from dealing with the meance of a variety of Insects and diseases, a Chilli farmer is also enquired to ensure the crop receives the required nutrients in sufficient quantities at all crop growth stages and free from various abiotic stresses to ensure a high quality yield

Pests Or Diseases
Problem Description And JU Solutions

Plant Health

Being a long duration multi picking crop, Chilli crop needs  continuous nutrition supplementation in whose absence the  quality and quantity of the yield may decrease. JU has a complete range of products which ensures that the crop receives the vital nutrients at every critical crop growth stage and remains strong enough  to ward off abiotic stresses 


Scientific Name: Scirtothrips dorsalis
Thrips is one of the most damaging pest of Chilli which inflicts significant damage on the crop across its entire duration . The small size (< 2 mm) of the insect and its rapid movement makes it difficult to detect it in fresh vegetation. Thrips possesses piercing and sucking mouthparts and cause damage by extracting the contents of individual epidermal cells leading to necrosis of tissue and leaf distortion.

Broad/ Yellow Mite

Scientific Name: Polyphagotarsonemus latus
Yellow Mite is one of the major non- insect pest of Chilli which can cause wide spread damage in both quality and quantity of the crop . The eggs of this pest are minute and oval in shape and are laid on the  ventral surface of young leaves or on leaf buds. Larva has 3 pairs of legs and move sluggishly. Sudden curling and crinkling of leaves followed by blister patches are initial symptoms of severely attacked plants. Petiole in a few cases becomes elongated which is referred to “rat tail” symptom.

White Fly

Scientific Name: Bemisia tabaci 
White Fly is a serious pest of Chilli in areas where it is grown  along side Cotton, especially in states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana . Nymphs and adult suck the sap from under surface of the leaves and growing shoots. They secrete honey dew on which black sooty mould develops on leaves and young shoots. Black coating affects photo synthetic activity of plants. White Fly is also a vector of leaf curl disease

Tobacco Caterpillar

Scientific Name: Spodoptera litura
obacco caterpillar is a polyphagous pest which  feeds on foliage and also damages the fruits by boring  into them . The larvae of the insect scrape out the green matter in the leaf leaving the epidermis alone. The second and third instar larvae feed by making small holes, late instar feed on entire lamina, petiole, even the twigs on the terminal shoots of plants. During fruiting stage the larva scrape the fruits and feed on it.

Fruit Borer

Scientific Name: Helicoverpa armigera
Chilli Fruit Borer is a polyphagous pest which bores and feed into the fruit. Young larvae  feed on flower buds and young pod by making a circular hole. Later, the larvae feed on seeds usually with its head inside the pod and rest of the body outside

Cercospora Leaf Spot

Causal organism: Cercospora capsici
These fungi can survive for at least one year in infected plant  debris. Wet , warm weather conditions favor disease development. This disease affects the leaves, petioles, stems and peduncles of pepper and eggplant. Symptoms first appear as small, circular to oblong chlorotic lesions.

Powdery Mildew

Causal organism: Leveillula taurica 
These fungi have a wide host range. Airborne conidia from previous  crops or weeds can be  carried long distances by wind and act as initial sources of inoculum.  During initial stages of infection, lightgreen to bright yellow blotches appear on upper surfaces of leaves. These areas later turn necrotic. Infected leaves curl upward, and a powdery, white growth is visible on the underside of leaves.


Causal organism: Colletotrichum spp.
Anthracnose affects all above-ground parts of  peppers during any stage of growth. Seedling infection may be confined to cotyledons and not spread . Necrotic gray to brown spots may develop on leaves and stems. Fruit lesions are the most economically important aspect of this disease. Fruit symptoms begin as water-soaked areas that turn tan or brown