Technical Name Novaluran 5.25% + Emamectin Benzoate 0.9% SC
Mode of Action Ingestion, Contact & Stomach action
Packs available 25 gm, 250 gm & 500 gm
Description Novazide is an unique solution for the control of a mix lepidopteran pests which cause significant yield losses. It’s quick knock down effect controls the damage instantly.
Features & Benefits
  • NOVAZIDE is a broad spectrum insecticide
  • NOVAZIDE ensures long duration effective control on lepidopteran pest
  • NOVAZIDE is very safe to main crop
  • NOVAZIDE has phytotonic effect on main crop – Lush green crop
Crops Target Pests Dose per acre

Stem borer

600 ml

Gram pod borer, Tobacco caterpillar

400 ml
Red gram

Gram pod borer

400 ml

DBM, Tobacco caterpillar

400 ml