Technical Name Zinc Oxide 39.5% SC
Mode of Action Multiple physiological pathways
Packs available 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 L
Description JU-Zinc 700 is a highly concentrated FCO registered Zinc supplement for the farmers to prevent and correct the Zinc deficiency in crop
Features & Benefits
  • Helps in preventing and correcting Zinc deficiency in plants
  • Based on Nano technology, facilitates quick and easy absorption in leaves through stomata
  • Assures proper working of major physiological activities of plants, such as Photosynthesis, Protein metabolism, translocation of nutrients etc.
  • Improves Plant defence mechanism
Usage & Application rates
  • JU-Zinc 700 can be used in all agricultural crops through foliar spray / soil application or through drip.
  • Foliar application in cereals, legumes, oil seeds, fiber crop and others @ 100-150 ml/acre, In fruits and Vegetables @ 0.5-1.5 ml/L of water 
  • Soil application @ 200 ml/acre